K. Visalini, the Indian Child prodigy is known for her outstanding accomplishments in the global arena at a very tender age. Her accomplishments and accolades in the field of Computer Science authenticate her as a zenith whiz-kid. She secured 5 World Records and 13 International Certifications. And, has filled her house with innumerable Certificates, Prize cups, trophies, and medals.
Visalini's unique educational background is marked by extraordinary achievements. Excelling in primary school, she earned 2-times double promotion in academics. After 8th grade of schooling, she gained direct admission to undergraduate engineering program, completing the 4-year B.Tech degree in just 3 years. She swiftly earned her M.Tech degree in 1.5 years. Consistently securing the university first rank and gold medals for her academic prowess. Her passion for R&D led her to pursue Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence, where she developed an innovative life-saving technology for neonatal babies. Currently, she's broadening her horizons by pursuing an M.A. in Clinical Psychology.
She was honored by Indian PM Shri. Narendra Modi, stating “Visalini, all that you have achieved in this young age is a great service to our country, India!”, at the age of 15. She was also honored by Indian President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam twice.
Invited by the Directors, Visalini delivered technical lectures to the scientists of ISRO, DRDO, C-DAC, CSIR, IOB, SETS (Under O/o the Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) to the Govt. of India), from the young age of 15. First time in Indian History, upon the invitation from the Director - ISRO, Visalini delivered a technical lecture to 700+ ISRO Scientists, at the age of 15. She was entrusted with a strategically vital & confidential project for ISRO; Completed the 2-years deadline work, within 35 days & dedicated to India at 15 years of age. “Visalini is the Biggest ASSET to the Indian Country!”– ISRO Director. First time in Indian History, upon the invitation from the Directors of DRDO, Visalini delivered technical lectures to DRDO scientists twice, at 18 years of age.
She was nominated by Indian Govt. to represent India, at the '72nd Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting on Medicine / Physiology', held at Germany, as the youngest at the age of 22. She has delivered Keynote Addresses at 15 International conferences including 3 TEDx & Google India Summit from the age of 11. She takes the honour of uplifting India’s glory in the global arena. Tamilnadu State Govt. has included a mandatory lesson on Visalini’s biography in the 11th grade English textbook for the past 6 academic years.
Visalini is a passionate researcher, who focuses on developing ground-breaking and tailored solutions with tremendous societal impact, by harnessing cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence for the Spinal Cord Injured Patients, Intellectually Disabled individuals, Visually Challenged, and also for Gifted Children.
"Elated by Visalini's commendable contribution to the Information Technology sector, I would like to honor her!"
"Visalini, All that you have achieved in this young age (15) is a great service to our country India! May your knowledge be contributed to the growth of India."
"K.Visalini is the Biggest Asset to Indian country! She possesses a very high level of intelligence and ability to complete challenging tasks far beyond her age."
"Visalini is very intelligent, scientifically capable & has a lot of passion for R&D relevant to the society, dedication to find innovative solutions to scientific issues."
"Visalini, You are a National Treasure! Keep contributing to India."
"I'm glad to see an aspiring talent like you, Visalini. Build more value to the country and to yourself!"
Visalini is developing a novel AI-powered solution for the Visually-impaired persons, has the potential to replace the Braille method throughout the world. And, also eliminate their dependency on scribes & turn them totally independent. It is dynamic and totally customizable to each person according to the capabilities of individual's sight levels.
Recently, Doordarshan Pothigai had telecasted a 30-minutes live interview with Visalini, during the evening prime news hour. The key focus was about this unique innovation.